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Table 4 Appendix 1. Following are questions 1–8 from administered survey.

From: Utilizing video on myocardial infarction as a health educational intervention in patient waiting areas of the developing world: A study at the emergency department of a major tertiary care hospital in India


People who smoke cigarettes have a GREATER chance of having a heart attack.






_____I am not sure


People who exercise DECREASE their chances of having a heart attack.






_____I am not sure


Smoking DOES NOT affect your chances of having a heart attack.






_____I am not sure


ALL people have the SAME symptoms of a heart attack.






_____I am not sure


Chewing an aspirin as soon as you have signs of a heart attack is a GOOD thing.






_____I am not sure


When you have a heart attack, it DOES NOT matter WHEN you go to the hospital.






_____I am not sure


You can control your chances of having a heart attack by eating well.






_____I am not sure