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Table 5 Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in various categories of study population: the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1

From: Serum vitamin D concentrations are related to depression in young adult US population: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey


Deficiency 2

% (n)

Insufficiency 3

% (n)

P-value 4

All subjects

19.6 (2701)

30.4 (2679)






15.5 (964)

31.1 (1304)



23.6 (1737)

29.8 (1375)





   Non-Hispanic white

10.1 (215)

28.5 (648)


   Non-Hispanic black

60.0 (1588)

28.7 (745)


   Mexican American/Hispanic

26.5 (790)

43.1 (1151)



32.4 (108)

38.0 (135)


Geographical location




12.4 (288)

27.5 (284)



11.3 (391)

28.9 (493)



27.1 (1467)

30.4 (1053)



23.5 (555)

35.0 (849)





   Urban living

25.1 (1612)

31.6 (1392)


   Rural living

14.2 (1089)

29.2 (1287)


Supplement use 5




15.8 (627)

29.5 (753)



22.8 (1890)

30.1 (1657)


Poverty income ratio 6



   <1.0 (below poverty line)

28.8 (849)

34.3 (797)


   2.0-<3.0 (low-middle income)

21.2 (745)

29.0 (672)


   3.0-<4.0 (high-middle income)

17.1 (692)

30.7 (725)


   ≥4.0 (high income)

13.9 (192)

27.8 (242)


Body mass index (kg/m2)



   Underweight (<18.5)

15.4 (71)

27.6 (98)


   Normal weight (18.5-<25)

16.0 (1128)

28.0 (1271)


   Overweight (25-<30)

20.3 (749)

31.9 (774)


   Obese (≥30)

31.0 (748)

36.3 (525)

  1. 1 Data associated with prescription medicine use and serum creatinine concentrations are not presented because these two variables were found non-significant in the χ2 test for proportions of vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency, and sufficiency. Data associated with vitamin D sufficiency (>75 nmol/L) are not shown.
  2. 2 Serum concentrations of 25 (OH) vitamin D <50 nmol/L
  3. 3 Serum concentrations of 25 (OH) vitamin D 50-75 nmol/L
  4. 4 Significance of variable for proportions of persons with vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency, and sufficiency in the χ2 test
  5. 5 Vitamin/mineral supplement use 1 month prior to the survey
  6. 6 The ratio of a family's income to their appropriate threshold income