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Table 1 Mean values, followed by the standard deviation, and median of anthropometric variables and the incremental test of analyzed individuals

From: Effects of different protocols of hydration on cardiorespiratory parameters during exercise and recovery


Mean ± standard deviation (Median)

Minimum - Maximum

Age (years)

21.63 ± 1.86 (22.00)

18.00 – 25.00

Weight (Kg)

72.62 ± 11.53 (72.20)

53.80 – 95.30

Height (m)

1.77 ± 0.08 (1.78)

1.60 – 1.94

BMI (Kg.m2)

22.99 ± 2.83 (22.30)

16.87 – 28.07

VO2pico (l.min-1)

3.37 ± 0.60 (3.34)

2.02 – 5.14

60% VO2pico (l.min-1)

2.02 ± 0.36 (2.00)

1.21 – 3.08

HR (bpm)

160.74 ± 10.75 (162.00)

139.00 – 179.00

  1. Legend: BMI body mass index, kg kilograms, m meters, VO 2 peak peak oxygen consumption; l liter, min minute, HR heart rate, bpm beats per minute.